Tips for Hassle-free Quilting with Long Arm Quilting Machine

So when you get to sewing, you face the colossal task of, well, sewing! However, what turns out to be so hectic may give a result that satiates your thirst for creativity on your cloth. Achieving this feat also has a clause though; one ought to take some measures to ensure that the right patch is woven at the right place and that everything is in place. That is not all, one also needs to know what the long arm quilting is and how a long arm quilting machine can help you deliver the best of patchwork.
Here I go with some of the very useful tips that may help you give amazing results with a calm mind.

1. Avoid stretching of fabric Fabric, if stretched, may give a bad look to your overall finished material and can reduce the life of your fabric. Hence, to reduce the stretch, it is suggested to spray some fabric starch before cutting them into segments that would prevent stretching of the fabric.

2. Prevent shifting of fabric Even if you have applied fabric spray to prevent stretching, place sandpaper under the cloth material to prevent it from shifting while marking sewing lines or tracing appliqué shapes.

3. Visit the local market. Quilting has been made easier with many tools available in the market for the purpose of patchwork and quilting. Keep a tab on the local quilt shop to stay updated with the latest entries of tools for long arm quilting machines that may make quilting an easier job for you.

4. Clean it where it is. If you plan on cleaning your quilt, make sure you do it that place it has been kept otherwise it may be exposed to wear and tear. A simple dusting with a vacuum cleaner might be enough to make your quilt bright and shining.

5. Alternate your patch. During piecing, when you stitch each patch to your quilt, keep in mind to alternate the ends of the patch. This would help contain distortions, a common problem when piecing together patches or strips. 6. Go for cotton. If you think of quilting, there is not point if the fabric you use is not cotton. A 100% pure cotton fabric works best for patching a long lasting quilt instead of a fabric that is anything but cotton.

7. Same rule(r) for each quilting session. Keep it a rule to use the same ruler for each quilting session as rulers differ variably in their measurements as per the brand. The deftness of a long arm quilting machine is of no use if there are measurements of each patch.

Follow these tips for a quilt that would give you a flawless quilt as an end result; something that would make you proud of yourself.